Meter charts
Meter charts are best used when space is limited and you need to display the proportion of 1 or more data points in relation to the whole.
All meter charts must equal 100% when all points are accounted for and should never have more than 6 data points being compared.
Small meter charts are best used when comparing more than 2 data points.
The large number above the chart should always show the total of what is being displayed with the table below detailing the individual categories of data.
A secondary data point can be added to help supplement the data being displayed.
Small (490px)
Medium (592px)
Large meter charts are best used when only 1 data point is being displayed or if that 1 data point can be broken into sections (e.g. email bounces can be broke out into hard and soft bounces).
The large number displayed to the left of the chart should always be the total or percent being displayed. The table below can be used to give totals that relate to the chart or supplemental information relating to the data.
Large Meter + Legend
If the data point needs split out into sections, a legend should be added below the meter chart to identify the various sections and should represent their percentage to the percentage or total displayed in the large number to the left of the chart.