Error messages


How is this copy used?

Show an error message when something goes wrong and the customer can't complete some action in Iterable.

Where does this copy appear?

Here are some areas of the product that include this type of copy:

  • Toasts
  • Input fields
  • Modals


  • First, acknowledge that something has gone wrong (for example, "Oops!" or "Hmm... that didn't work.").
  • Next, give a specific reason that the attempted action didn't work.
  • Then, provide clear instructions for the next step. (How the user can fix the issue or get help?)
  • Use "you" to address the user.
  • Use "we" to explain what went wrong on our end.
  • Explain the error in plain, conversational English.



We're having trouble loading your templates right now. Sorry about that!

  • Don't use humor—errors are frustrating, and we don't want to further aggravate our users when they're stuck.
  • Don't copy/paste the technical error that gets thrown in the backend.
  • Don't make the user feel bad or guilty that something went wrong.
  • Don't include unnecessary language that doesn’t help the user.
  • Don't link to the main docs portal. If you do include a link to the docs, make sure it leads to a specific, relevant support doc.
  • Avoid technical language (like "fetch," "error," or "timeout").




Could not load templates.

Invalid workflow id: 235, 811

Credentials required


Content examples



(When this happens: Session timeout, user has been signed out of Iterable)

Oops! You’re signed out. To save your progress, open a new browser tab and sign back in to Iterable. Then come back here to save the journey.

(When this happens: The user is logged in to more than one project in different browser tabs.)

This journey is saved in a different project than the one you’re in now. To save this journey, switch to the correct project in a different tab and try again.

Error fetching journey. Please try again later.

We're having trouble loading this journey right now. Try refreshing the page, or reach out to our support team if the problem persists.



Other examples

  • Hmm... that didn't work. Mind trying again?
  • Something went wrong. Try refreshing the page.
  • Our system is Sorry about that!
  • Well, this is embarrassing. We're having trouble saving this journey right now.