Documentation links

Page-level docs links

On any page where a documentation link makes sense, center it on the bottom of the page, at an appropriate margin below the content. The text should read:

Learn more about [topic link]

Use a standard icon to the left of the text, and a "takes you away from this page" icon to the right.

Example 1: Workflow webhooks

Element-level docs links

Occasionally, it makes sense for help text associated with a particular page element to link to the documentation. In these cases, links should be as concise as possible, since space is at a premium.

Follow this pattern:

[Topic] help

On the right side of this text, put an icon to indicate that the link will open in a new browser tab.

Example 1: JSON formatting

For example, this field contains some help text that links to docs that describe how to format JSON:


This error text doesn't include the

This error text doesn't include the "opens the link in a new page" icon, but it should.