Is documented
The component is fully documented
The Radio Input component enables marketers to make single selections from a list of options, facilitating data input and configuration processes. This component enhances user experience by providing a clear and intuitive way to choose from mutually exclusive options.
Group label: A label that provides the description for the for the list of items
Description (optional): This can be included below the label if there is additional context or information that should be provided to the marketer
Indicator: Used to indicate whether the item in the list is selected or not
Item label: A label that follows the indicator to describe the item
The radio item is an individual selection within a radio group.
Radio groups are collection of radio items that stack vertically by default. Stacking horizontally should be avoided when possible. At least one item in the group should always be selected by default.
Depending on the number of options and structure of the form, the input group can structured vertically (preferred) or horizontally.
The base component includes 4 radio button options. If more than 4 options are allowed, a select is preferred over a radio group.
While it is preferred to stack the radio group vertically, if there is a scenario where space is a concern and there are three options or less—it is acceptable to stack the radio group horizontally.
Radio group should stack items vertically by default. In cases where options may need to stacked horizontally, the options should be limited to 2 radio items per row. If there are more than 4 options, an input select is preferred.
Vertical bordered checkbox variants should flex on smaller displays.
Is documented
The component is fully documented
Tested against WCAG 2.1 AAA accessibility guidelines
This component uses tokens in both Figma and code
Figma component
Includes a link to a Figma component that has been imported to Supernova
Includes a link to an external code repository
The component has a health status indicated
Is documented
The component is fully documented
Tested against WCAG 2.1 AAA accessibility guidelines
This component uses tokens in both Figma and code
Figma component
Includes a link to a Figma component that has been imported to Supernova
Includes a link to an external code repository
The component has a health status indicated
Is documented
The component is fully documented
Tested against WCAG 2.1 AAA accessibility guidelines
This component uses tokens in both Figma and code
Figma component
Includes a link to a Figma component that has been imported to Supernova
Includes a link to an external code repository
The component has a health status indicated