Is documented
The component is fully documented
Thumbnails provide users with a preview of the underlying content and medium of a particular item. Their placement helps dictate the size that should be used, for example, within a Takeover, would use a large thumbnail, whereas in a Table List, a smaller thumbnail is used and in a Table Grid, a medium thumbnail is used.
Empty state thumbnails are used as a fallback when a campaign doesn’t have a template design applied.
Email template thumbnails are displayed in table and grid views. They are cropped to display the top portion of the email design.
In-app template thumbnails are displayed in table and grid views. They are cropped to display the top portion of the in-app design on tables, and centered on card previews.
SMS template thumbnails are displayed in table and grid views. They are cropped to display a preview of the push message, and replaced with an icon at small and medium sizes.
Push template thumbnails are displayed in table and grid views. They are cropped to display a preview of the push message, and replaced with an icon at small and medium sizes.
Web Push template thumbnails are displayed in table and grid views. They are cropped to display a preview of the push message, and replaced with an icon at small and medium sizes.
Guidelines coming soon.
Is documented
The component is fully documented
Tested against WCAG 2.1 AAA accessibility guidelines
This component uses tokens in both Figma and code
Figma component
Includes a link to a Figma component that has been imported to Supernova
Includes a link to an external code repository
The component has a health status indicated